Suppose your organisation has contracts from local
government and other funders to deliver these services:
Advocacy services for clients who need help
accessing NHS services
Tracking Independent Mental Health
A Healthy Eating initiative
an Impact is therefore set up to have three services available: Advocacy,
IMHA and Healthy.
For the Advocacy service for example, users
are referred to you or can drop in to access your service. The referral form is set up to have the fields you need.
For each referral, you can have one or more
sessions with the service user – and you need to record how
long you spend with them, your travelling time, and time spent
afterwards following up. You can add notes and scans of any received
documents eg a letter from their GP.
Some referrals are complicated so you can record
one or more issues for the user, eg homelessness, drug use or
debt. For each issue you can record actions that you or the client
are taking – and can record when these are done. Any incomplete
actions are on your to-do list.
For the Healthy Eating service you can set
up a form that can be filled in several times over the course of the
project. You can then report on progress for the individual – and
that achieved overall.
Monitoring your outputs and outcomes is crucial
for your contracts - Made an
Impact has many reports built in. The output can be
viewed in a spreadsheet such as Excel, allowing you to fine tune the
report and produce whatever further analysis or graphs are needed.
Reports can drill down into the data, for example reporting by
service, over particular time periods and using any diversity data
that you have recorded.